Publicaties en projecten

Het Kunera-team publiceert over insignes en ampullen, geeft lezingen over het onderwerp en assisteert makers van tentoonstellingen.

Naast de database heeft Kunera andere manieren om de kennis over insignes en ampullen te vergroten. De leden van het Kunerateam publiceren wetenschappelijk artikelen en schrijven publicaties voor een breed publiek. Ook geven zij lezingen en adviseren makers van tentoonstellingen.

Nederlandstalige publicaties

Anderstalige publicaties

  • Hanneke van Asperen. Silver Saints: Prayers and Badges in Late Medieval Books (Turnhout 2021).
  • Hanneke van Asperen. “Nazareth in Pewter: Pilgrims’ Badges of Loreto, Walsingham and Wavre.” In The Bible and Global Tourism, red. James S. Bielo en Lieke Wijnia (New York 2021), pp. 17-37.
  • Hanneke van Asperen. “Our Lady of Grace at Scheut: Pilgrimage Cult and Pilgrimage Badges.” Medieval Low Countries 7 (2020): 193-213.
  • Ann Marie Rasmussen en Hanneke van Asperen, “Introduction: Medieval Badges.” The Mediaeval Journal 8, nr. 1 (2019): 1-10.
  • Jos Koldeweij. “Pilgrim Badges of Charlemagne from Zürich.” Ibid.: 57-77.
  • Hanneke van Asperen. “Secular Power, Divine Presence: The Badges of Our Lady of Aarschot.” Ibid.: 79-107.
  • Hanneke van Asperen. “The Book as Shrine, the Badge as Bookmark: Religious Badges and Pilgrims’ Souvenirs in Devotional Manuscripts.” In Domestic Devotions in the Early Modern World, red. Marco Faini en Alessia Meneghin (Leiden 2018), pp. 288-312.
  • Hanneke van Asperen. “‘Où il y a une Véronique atachiée dedens’: Images of the Veronica in Religious Manuscripts, with Special Attention for the Dukes of Burgundy and Their Family.” In The European Fortune of the Roman Veronica in the Middle Ages, red. Herbert L. Kessler en Amanda Murphy (Turnhout 2018): 232-49
  • Jos Koldeweij, “Pilgerandenken und profane Tragezeichen = Pilgrim souvenirs and secular badges.” In Tragezeichen – Social Media of the Middle Ages = Badges – Social Media des Mittelalters, red. Felicia Sternfeld en André Dubisch (Lübeck 2020), pp. 178-209.
  • Carina Brumme en Hanneke van Asperen, “Kleine Objekte und groβe Kontexte: 170 Jahre Forschung zu mittelalterlichen Zeichen = Small objects, larger contexts: 170 years of research into medieval badges.” In Ibid., pp. 150-78.
  • Willy Piron. “Schreitende Vulven und fliegende Phalli: Spätmittelalterliche sexuelle Abzeichen und ihre Funktion = Walking vulvas and flying phalluses: Late-medieval sexual badges and their function.” In Ibid., pp. 270-90.
  • Hanneke van Asperen. “Die Reliquienbüste der Anna: Abzeichen aus Düren in spätmittelalterlichen Handschriften = The reliquary bust of St. Anne: Badges from Düren in late medieval manuscripts.” In Ibid., pp. 290-321.
  • Willy Piron, “Late-medieval Sexual Badges.” In Sign of the Times: Understanding Insignia in a World of Flux (e-book Zeeuws Museum 2016), pp. 49-57.
  • Hanneke van Asperen. “‘A Virgin Cast in Lead:’ Production and Reproduction of Pilgrims’ Badges in the Middle Ages.” In Ibid., pp. 28-37.
  • Hanneke van Asperen. “And They Were Always in the Temple: The Pilgrims’ Experience at S. Maria Rotonda.” In Monuments & Memory: Christian Cult Buildings and Constructions of the Past. Essays in Honour of Sible de Blaauw, red. Mariëtte Verhoeven e.a. (Turnhout 2016), pp. 85-93.
  • Jos Koldeweij. “Notes on the Historiography and Iconography of Pilgrim Souvenirs and Secular Badges.” In From Minor to Major. The Minor Arts in Medieval Art History, red. Colum Hourihane (Princeton 2012), pp. 194-216.
  • Jos Koldeweij. “Pilgrim and Secular Badges: Archaeological Finds in the Low Countries.” in Das Zeichen am Hut im Mittelalter. Europäische Reisemarkierungen, red. Hartmut Kühne et al. (Frankfurt a.M. 2008), p. 161-165.
  • Jos Koldeweij. Foi & Bonne Fortune: Parure et dévotion en Flandre Médiévale (Arnhem 2006), with contribution by Hanneke van Asperen.


  • Willy Piron. “Studiedag Kunera en insigne-onderzoek.” Studiedag Kunera en insigne-onderzoek op de Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, 29 september 2022.
  • Hanneke van Asperen “Silver Saints: insignes in middeleeuwse handschriften.” Ibid.
  • Jos Koldeweij. "Insignes in het Penningkabinet van de Koninklijke Bibliotheek van België: 60 oude vondsten uit Lyon en meer!” Ibid.
  • Hanneke van Asperen. “Vliegende huizen en harige pelgrims.” Lezing bij de boekpresentatie van Heilig en Profaan 4, in het Groot Tuighuis ’s-Hertogenbosch, 24 november 2018.
  • Hanneke van Asperen. “Badges of Our Lady of Grace: New Sources on the Early Pilgrimages to Scheut.” International Medieval Congress, Institute for Medieval Studies, University of Leeds, 4 juli 2018
  • Hanneke van Asperen. “Silver Badges of Our Lady of Grace: New Sources on the Holy Site of Scheut.” 53rd International Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, 10 mei 2018.
  • Willy Piron. "Het Kunera-project; insignes in het laat-middeleeuwse Brabant." Brabantdag Familiegeschiedenis Verassend Verleden,'s-Hertogenbosch, 4 november 2017
  • Colloquium Pin It! Social Media of the Middle Ages #PIEHM, Europäisches Hansemuseum Lübeck, 2 juni 2017. o Jos Koldeweij. “Tragezeichen im späten Mittelalter = Wearing badges in the late Middle Ages.” o Willy Piron. “Spätmittelalterliche sexuelle Abzeichen und ihre Funktion = Sexual badges of the Late Middle Ages and their role.” o Hanneke van Asperen. “In religiöse Bücher genähte Tragezeichen von Anne von Düren = Badges of Anne from Düren sewn in religious books.”
  • Hanneke van Asperen. “Relic, Ostension, and Vision: Small Parchment Images of the Veronica.” International Medieval Congress, Institute for Medieval Studies, University of Leeds, 20 juli 2017.
  • Hanneke van Asperen. “Het teken van de vreemdeling: De wonderlijke beeldtaal van loodtinnen insignes.” Studiedag Middeleeuwen 2017: Buitenbeentjes in de middeleeuwen, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, 10 maart 2017.
  • Hanneke van Asperen. “Badges as Bookmarks: Functions of Metal Badges in Religious Books of the Laity.” Conference Devotio: Individualization of religious practices in Western European Christianity, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, 27 oktober 2016.
  • Willy Piron. "De pelgrimstekens van het Boxtelse Bloedwonder en andere laatmiddeleeuwse insignes.", Stichting Petrusmonumenten, Heilig Bloedstichting Boxtel en Heemkundekring Boxtel, 18 november 2015
  • Hanneke van Asperen. “Images of the Veronica in Religious Books of the Laity: Their Provenance and Meaning.” International Conference The European Fortune of the Roman Veronica in the Middle Ages, Magdalene College Cambridge, 5 april 2016.
  • Hanneke van Asperen. “Secular or Sacred? The Secular Design of Some Religious Badges in the Low Countries.” Conference Heraldic Badges: From Miniature to Monumental, 1300–1500, The Courtauld Institute of Art, Londen, 29 september 2016.
  • Hanneke van Asperen. “Civic Identity and Political Power on Religious Badges.” Mobile Markers of Personhood in Medieval Urban Spaces, Duke University, Durham NC, 21 november 2015.
  • Hanneke van Asperen. “Praying with Pilgrim Badges.” Conference Domestic Devotions in the Early Modern World, St Catharine’s College Cambridge, 10 juli 2015.


  • ‘Pin It! Social Media des Mittelalters’, Europäisches Hansemuseum, Lübeck (19 mei t/m 6 augustus 2017).
  • ‘Sign of the Times: social media van de middeleeuwen’, Zeeuws Museum, Middelburg (12 december 2015 t/m 30 oktober 2016).