
Badges – Tragezeichen – Social Media des Mittelalters

Badges – Tragezeichen – Social Media des Mittelalters

In 2017, the European Hanzemuseum in Lübeck took over from Zeeuws Museum in Middelburg their successful exhibition ‘Sign of the Times. Social media van de middeleeuwen’. They retitled it ‘Pin It. Social Media des Mittelalters’. On the occasion of the exhibition, the Hanzemuseum has now published a book with articles about medieval badges.

Exhibition ‘Pilgerspuren. Wege in den Himmel’ in Schwedenspeicher Museum in Stade (D)

Exhibition ‘Pilgerspuren. Wege in den Himmel’ in Schwedenspeicher Museum in Stade (D)

In the years 2013-14 large numbers of pilgrim badges were found in the historic hanseatic port of Stade in Germany. This complex is the largest of its kind in Germany. The spectacular finds are the starting point for an exhibition in the Schwedenspeicher Museum in Stade from October 3, 2020 to February 14, 2021.

Special issue about medieval badges

Special issue about medieval badges

The Mediaeval Journal (Brepols) recently published a special issue on medieval badges with contributions of specialists in the field. The hypothesis tying together the articles is that badges, though made out of different materials, operated as a pan-European, visual and symbolic mode of communication.

Badge with Mary and two women

Badge with Mary and two women

This badge is unique. The depiction has been identified as Virgin and child with pilgrims, but evidence suggests this is a depiction of the Holy Kinship

Badge of Hilgendal

Badge of Hilgendal

Even when a badge has a legible inscription it is not always possible to identify the place of origin. This is the case with a badge reading HILGENDAL.

Badge of Belsele

Badge of Belsele

This badge is a rare hybrid form of badge and pennon. Only a few of these rare instances of pewter pennons have been found.

Badge of Scheut

Badge of Scheut

In the Liber amicorum on the occasion of Jos Koldeweij’s retirement, Hanneke van Asperen wrote an article about this badge that she identifies as Scheut

Phallic animal with a house

Phallic animal with a house

Badges of phallic animals have been found in many shapes and sizes, so far about 250 of them. The vast majority was found in the Netherlands, most of them in the province of Zeeland and the city of 's-Hertogenbosch.

Fragment of a button badge

Fragment of a button badge

The image on this badge is not etched like other known button badges but engraved.

Badge of Ladoix-Serrigny

Badge of Ladoix-Serrigny

This hitherto little noticed badge of Botre Dame du Chemin indicates that badge werd produced in Ladoix-Serrigny.
